Viewport sized typography with minimum and maximum sizes

Viewport units for typography are quite a cool toy to have in your responsive web design toolbox, as they allow you to size fonts relatively to the dimensions of the viewport. If you've never used them before, Chris Coyier's article is probably a good place to start.

These units can produce really interesting results, but they must be used with caution. From my experience, there's always a point where the font becomes unreadable on small screens, and sometimes too big on large screens. I end up setting a couple of media queries to set some boundaries on where the viewport units kick in.

As a result, I created a Sass mixin that abstracts what I wish you could more naturally in CSS: specify a minimum and a maximum size for the font while still using viewport based units. The mixin takes the viewport based size, a minimum value (in pixels), an optional maximum value (in pixels as well) and an optional fallback value, in whatever units you prefer, for browsers that don't support viewport units.

/// Viewport sized typography with minimum and maximum values
/// @author Eduardo Boucas (@eduardoboucas)
/// @param {Number} $responsive - Viewport-based size
/// @param {Number} $min - Minimum font size (px)
/// @param {Number} $max - Maximum font size (px)
/// (optional)
/// @param {Number} $fallback - Fallback for viewport-
/// based units (optional)
/// @example scss - 5vw font size (with 50px fallback),
/// minumum of 35px and maximum of 150px
/// @include responsive-font(5vw, 35px, 150px, 50px);
@mixin responsive-font($responsive, $min, $max: false, $fallback: false) {
$responsive-unitless: $responsive / ($responsive - $responsive + 1);
$dimension: if(unit($responsive) == 'vh', 'height', 'width');
$min-breakpoint: $min / $responsive-unitless * 100;
@media (max-#{$dimension}: #{$min-breakpoint}) {
font-size: $min;
@if $max {
$max-breakpoint: $max / $responsive-unitless * 100;
@media (min-#{$dimension}: #{$max-breakpoint}) {
font-size: $max;
@if $fallback {
font-size: $fallback;
font-size: $responsive;

Caveat: vw or vh units work, vmin or vmax don't.

Here's a pen showing the effect.

What are your thoughts? ∎