Sharing Jekyll posts on social media using front matter and IFTTT
Whenever I write a post on my blog, I like to share it on the different social media platforms I have a presence on. I started by doing that manually, creating updates myself with links to my posts, but soon realised that something like IFTTT would be perfect to automate the process. Jekyll comes with an RSS feed out of the box so it's just a matter of creating a recipe where you say "whenever there's a new post on this feed, publish an update to A, B and C".
But I wanted a bit more flexibility. Maybe I'm writing a post that is way too technical to share on Facebook, or a post that I definitely want on my LinkedIn, or even a post that just adds a couple of points to a previous one so I don't want to share it at all. What I wanted was a way to select which social platforms to share on right from the post's front matter.